Trusted By Over 2700+ Border Collies Owners, Dog Trainer Reveals the secrets of training the most Stubborn, Aggressive, or Dumb Dog To Obey You. (No Shouting, No Yelling! You Don’t Even Have To Raise Your Voice.)
“My dog doesn’t listen to me” “Why does he bark so much?” “I’m so embarrassed and tired of his bad behavior in public” “My dog’s housebreaking problems driving me crazy” These are the most common questions I receive everyday in emails from Border Collie owners.
Whatever your reasons are, with 9 years of Border Collie breed specific knowledge I developed this information guide with YOU in mind, so that it becomes easier for you to start learning how to take care of your dog and train him to behave like a perfect dog you always dreamed of. I’ll show you how easy it is to learn how your Border Collie’s mind works and which techniques to use to get incredibly satisfying results.
From: Deanne Rosenberg
Date: 08/14/2013
Dear Fellow Border Collie Lover,
Living with a Border Collie is such a wonderful experience. It makes you feel blessed to have a dog that is not only a true friend but also your life companion. However, living with a Border Collie also brings new challenges everyday to test your patience whether you have the understanding of raising a healthy, happy and well behaved Border Collie or not.
Just like every first-time Border Collie Owner…
Are you tired of dealing with all the embarrassment, difficulties and stress that comes with a Border Collie that is not ready to listen?
Don’t you just hate constantly yelling and shouting at your dog that is on a mission of destructing your furniture, clothes, shoes and other expensive things?
Are you fed up of cleaning the mess your Border Collie makes every single day even after wasting so much time and hardest efforts on training him?
Let’s be honest! You’re here because…
- Your dog doesn’t listen to you, and ignore you when called.
- You’re embarrassed by your dog’s misbehavior in public.
- You’re so tired and frustrated with his/her excessive barking, whining and housebreaking issues.
- Your dog’s aggressive and dominant behavior is ruining your relationship with him.
- You’re in desperate need to fix your dog’s bad habits.
- …Or maybe all you want is a happy and well-adjusted dog.
Well, to be honest you don’t have to live with these frustrating and embarrassing problems anymore, because in just a week or less from now, I can assure you that you won’t be living with this nightmare.
Don’t worry, I’m not one of those vets who suggest you to spend hours on training your Border Collie or spend boatloads of money on professional dog trainers. All it takes to raise a healthier, happier and obedient Border Collie is 10-20 minutes a day. That’s it! Trust me when I say this, because that’s all it takes to have a dog that is happy to listen and obey all your commands and house-rules.
Hello! My name is Deanne Rosenberg and I’m a proud parent of my 3 lovely Border Collies, Dina the black and white female Border Collie (6 years old), Boomer the red male BC (8 years old), and Krish the white and brown male puppy (our new baby, just 2 months old). Today I’m going to enlighten you with some of the most important information that every Border Collie owner must know for responsible pet ownership and to be able to build a wonderful relationship with their dogs.
I want to share my years of personal experiences with you that helped me to learn and understand that how can we avoid unintentionally teaching our dogs to develop bad behavior problems. I share those effective training methods that not only helped me to correct my Border Collie’s misbehavior and bad habits, but also helped hundreds of other BC owners. I’ll be discussing all my secrets, effective methods and training tactics that helps your dog to develop self discipline.
On top of all the important information, I am also going to share with you the essential tips and ingredients that helps your dog to live a long and healthy life.
Deanne Rosenberg, Proud Border Collie Owner, Trainer, & Enthusiast
Just a couple of years ago i was also one of those frustrated Border Collie owners. I too struggled with “Dina” (my Border Collie baby girl) when I first adopted her from a local rescue center. Sadly, but I have to confess that there was even a point of time when I was in desperate situation and regretted owning a Border Collie in the first place. I used to helplessly watch her misbehave in public, nipping at children and even growling at our guests.
Dina used to ignore my commands, would never obey house-rules and would never listen to anything I told her. Bad behavior problems were increasing with every passing day, in fact even if she knew that her bad behavior is not acceptable and what she is doing is wrong, she would continue doing it with no fear whatsoever. She did not develop bad behavior problems due to lack of care or attention for her, because I spent countless hours to correct her bad habits but nothing really helped. I remember reading several dog training guides, books and DVDs after getting back home from work and followed every single training method religiously but the end result would deliver nothing but more and more frustration. They did not deliver any positive results because they were too difficult for my dog to understand, forget about remembering them.
During her puppyhood, it was easier to control her bad habits, because she was a bit more manageable. However, unfortunately when she entered her adulthood, bad behavior turned into a complete nightmare and only became worse with each passing day. To put it in simple words, it felt like a hopeless situation with dead end!
Then after getting fed up with her intolerable acts and incidents I finally decided enough is enough and it’s time to put an end to it. It became impossible to keep a dog any longer that is full of negativity and misbehaves all the time. She was getting out of my control, and that made my mind that if I don’t find a solution for her behavior problems, I will be forced to leave her for adoption or send her back to the rescue center.
I decided if she is not happy living with me, or I’m not able to make her happy, then maybe it is time for someone else who could.
It Only Gets Worse With Each Passing Day!
Even though I was fed up with her misbehavior but deep inside I still loved and cared for her. The strong relationship we both had developed didn’t let me give her up. I was determined to help her become a dog that everyone would love to be with. So I finally made a plan and religiously followed it for over 7-8 months! Here is what I did:
- I spent hours in front of my computer searching for information on Border Collie behavior problems and how can I correct them.
- I read every dog training book including Border Collie breed specific books available to me.
- I sifted through Border Collie forums, community websites and thousands of blogs for information.
- I used to email hundreds of dog trainers to get valuable information and training tips and spoke to almost every local dog trainer in our city just to get some information that can help my dog.
- Studied Border Collie health, nutrition and general care guides.
- Joined paid membership clubs, communities and groups to get info from other BC owners.
So what were the results after all that hard work of 7 months?
It may sound too good to be true, but believe me I successfully managed to reverse all her bad habits and misbehavior in just 15-20 days. I don’t know how to express but trust me I was so excited and happy to see Dina behave like an “obedient and respectful” pet that I always wanted and dreamed of owning.
Seeing positive changes in her behavior was a big sigh of relief, and to be honest it actually got me motivated to participate in local dog obedience tournaments. Surprisingly we actually won some of them which was a sweet bonus considering the fact that I only wished to get rid of her bad habits. On the other hand, seeing her behave so well made my mind to adopt my second Border Collie (Boomer), because I was confident of having a better understanding of this breed and what it takes to raise an Obedient and healthy Border Collie.
The biggest thing I learned from this extremely challenging experience is that in most cases it is not dog’s or owner’s fault, but the problem lies in lack of proper information and understanding of this breed – and unfortunately majority of dog training guides do not address these small-small things that are very important for responsible pet ownership.
Do you know that 8 out of 10 Border Collie owners unknowingly encourage their dogs to misbehave and completely ignore their bad habits without even realizing it? If you are also one of them you better act now before it’s too late to reverse their bad behaviour.
According to American Border Collie Association, it’s a proven fact that about 93% of Border Collie owners make these mistakes. However, the shocking part is that they don’t even know it!
Have a look at this example:
You’re out with your dog for a morning walk. You let your him go free to run around and play. While playing he spots a cat or another dog and go berserk in excitement and anger chasing them! He don’t even care that you are around and even after you tell him to come back, he wouldn’t listen to you. He doesn’t come back no matter how hard your shout or yell at him.
After 20 minutes of all this running, chasing, screaming and yelling, he finally calms down and happily comes back to you acting as if nothing has happened and he has done no wrong.
So how would you react and respond if you were in a similar situation?
Obviously you’d feel annoyed and embarrassed and would most definitely scold or expostulate your dog for misbehaving like that. This is how most owners would react because this is a reasonable punishment you can give your dog for not listening to you.
Okay! Let’s turn the table and have a look at it from your dog’s perspective. When the dog comes back to the owner, not only his wonderful time with his new friends is over, but he also gets punishment for not listening to his owner.
Because it’s an intelligent breed they are good at remembering their experiences. So the next time he goes out with his owner and again go berserk playing with other dogs, he will most likely wait for his owner to calm down before he gets back. Because he knows he’ll get punished, he’ll continue ignoring your commands, no matter how much you scream or yell at him to come back.
of how owners encourage their dog’s misbehavior…
because they are not aware of it!
So the mantra of making your Border Collie to obey your commands and stop ignoring is simple – you have to make sure that unknowingly you are not rewarding your dog for his bad habits. Immediately acting to spot and correct his bad behavior is the key to have an obedient dog.
If I go on to pin-point examples of how owners incite their Border Collies to misbehave, then there are too many to mention here. Leash pulling, growling, jumping on guests, begging for food, destructive chewing, whining to go out, and not obeying house-rules are just a few to name.
Without a doubt, problems like these will occur no matter how hard you try to overcome them, but this is not the only reason why 90% owners struggle with their Border Collies. The main problem lies in the fact that most owners don’t have the understanding of tactics and training methods that are required to combat their dog’s bad behavior!
Is It That Difficult As It Sounds?
You’re here, because I’m sure you must have tried these methods and none of them worked…
General Dog Training Books – Stuffed with just basic obedience training and tips, these guides do not provide essential information that is extremely important for a dog owner who has no training experience. You may luckily teach your dog couple of easy tricks such as “sit” “come” “get down”. However, the biggest drawback with these guides is that they do not target Border Collie specific training methods, which is very important because it may work for some breeds and for some breeds it may not. There are far more effective and smarter training tactics that are specifically meant to train a Border Collie.
Local Dog Training Schools – Oh those terrible training classes, where your dogs gets tortured more than what he learns by those so called “Professional Trainers”. Generally in these dog training classes they have 10-20 dogs in the class at a time. Therefore, you and your dog hardly get any attention from the trainer because there is no one-on-one interaction session where you can ask questions, clear your doubts and get in-depth answers you need to train your dog. However, it is not like these classes are of no use because your dog can still learn basic obedience commands, but if you are looking to solve bad behavior problems then it’s not a good idea.
Personal Dog Trainers – Although hiring a professional dog trainer is a good idea if you can afford one, but the real problem arise when your dog starts trusting and respecting the trainer more than you. Spending most of his time with the trainer, obeying his rules and commands will make your dog to listen and respect the trainer, not you. So what’s the point of training if you have no control over your dog?
Even after spending so much of money on a personal trainer, your dog still doesn’t listen and obey your commands. Having said that, let’s say after training duration is over if your dog picks up a new bad habit, what will you do? Will you be able to overcome it on your own? The answer is NO and you will again have to spend more money on the trainer to solve the problem.
As much as I hate it to admit it, I did the same mistake when I first started training Dina. Just like every first-time Border Collie owner I had no understanding of right training methods and unknowingly I used worst methods that didn’t work, but because of them my dog had to suffer. Yes, I’m talking about punishment based methods for training! Punishing your dog to learn your commands is the worst thing ever you can do. Sadly but this seems to be the most popular method among owners who attempt to train their dogs for the first time. Training a dog should never involve any kind of punishments such as yelling, shouting, hitting or not giving him food.
These methods may work for circus animals, but isn’t it cruel? These training tactics are popular and commonly used by trainers because they get your dog to obey your commands, but do you earn their respect? No! They don’t respect and love you, but they live in fear of getting hit which is the worst thing you could ever do to your dog. What’s the point of having a pet that doesn’t respect and love you?
“A dog that is scared of you will listen and obey your commands, but would never think of you as his life companion!”
It should never be like this. You earn your dog’s respect and love by adopting him in your family with all the love and care you can give him, not by scarring and torturing him.
These tactics should never be brought into any dog training procedure, because they are abusive and can brutally damage your Border Collie’s self-confidence. Why would even think about using them when there are much better, practically implementable, effective and friendly training methods that you can use? – So use them!
The easy to learn and understand training methods that I’m going to show are based on my years of personal experiences. These methods are based on positive reinforcement tactics that makes your Border Collie obey not because you want him to, but he happily wants to obey. Instead of getting scared or ignoring you, your dog will be happy to focus all his attention on you. Instead of running away from you, he’ll patiently listen to you with his lovely tail wagging.
It’s a completely different experience training a dog that is eager to learn, compared to a dog that hates training and doesn’t like to obey his owner’s commands. Help your dog building his self-confidence and have faith in him with training methods that are successfully used by thousands of Border Collie owners and are proven to show amazing results.
“Stubborn To Obedient: Border Collie Owner’s Guide” is the most in-depth and comprehensive guide that will help you raise your dog from puppy to a life companion. It’s a complete information hub that covers everything you need to know to raise a healthy, well behaved and happy Border Collie.
It’s a collection of step by step activities to engage, challenge, and bond with your dog. I have poured out my heart and years of Border Collie training experiences in this guide to make it easier for other Border Collie owners to not repeat the same mistakes that I did!
Based on tested and proven training methods that are guaranteed to deliver results, it’s a Border Collie breed specific manual that covers every single facet of raising an obedient and healthy dog.
…I created “Stubborn To Obedient: Border Collie Owner’s Guide” to be the fastest and easiest way to train your dog and fix toughest behavior problems. It’s a gold mine of information for Border Collie lovers. Here’s what you’ll be able to do…
- Put an end to any bad behavior problem your dog might have: In-depth, easy to follow and step by step training instruction that don’t want you to be a rocket scientist to understand. These carefully explained instruction will get you started in just a few seconds. It has detailed training methods that not only help you solve existing behavior problems, but you will also get valuable information on how you can easily prevent it from happening again. It will simply put an end to all the bad habits of your dog!
- Exploit Their Natural Instincts To Your Advantage: It is their natural instincts that drive them to destructive and aggressive behavior. But this guide will help you to exploit your Border Collie’s hardwired instincts and force him to happily obey you without shouting, yelling and as a matter of fact you don’t even have to bribe him with his favorite treats. It’s unbelievable that how their powerful natural instincts can be used to fix their behavior by using them to your advantage.
- Secrets of finding the best foods, treats, and toys for your beloved dog: Your loyal companion deserves the best! Hundreds of different dog foods companies fighting in a fierce market battle makes it difficult for dog owners to buy the right product. Pet stores are flooded with different types of dog food that are not only unhealthy but sometimes they can be dangerous for your dog. Therefore to make it easier for you, I have included a completely separate section that covers different dog food products, home-cooked food recipes, healthy treats and toys that are needed to raise a healthy Border Collie.
- Do you want the perfect Border Collie for your family?: Finally you’ll be able to raise a Border Collie from puppy to a life companion of your dreams. Trust me! The feeling of having a dog that you can feel proud of is so heartwarming. It means bye-bye to all those stressful, frustrating, and embarrassing situations, because you’ll be blessed with a well-behaved, healthy and socially friendly Border Collie that everybody would love to hang around with.
You’ll Also Get…
- Guidance on how to select, adopt and raise a new puppy or an older Border Collie.
- Consultation and guidance with lifetime email support.
- In-depth demonstrations to speed up the learning process for your dog and step-by-step tutorials… all available to you, within minutes!
“Stubborn To Obedient” will help you learn the secret tactics that professional dog trainers use, so that you can get the best results with your Border Collie, with a minimal time investment. You’ll learn how you can easily fix toughest behavior problems by using the same training methods that are taught by some of the best dog trainers from around the world!
With over 2700+ copies sold, my guide has helped hundreds of first-timers to experienced Border Collies owners from across the globe to quickly and easily train their dogs – while having fun in the process.
Here’s what they recently emailed me:
I constantly get emails for personal suggestions and guidance from people who successfully trained their Border Collies by using my guide, which is such a wonderfully feeling having helped hundreds of owners to raise their perfect dogs. Their positive testimonials show that my guide works.
I know it becomes difficult for first-timers to follow those complicated training instructions that are practically difficult to implement, therefore I have tried my best to make this guide as easy as possible to understand and learn for both first-timers and experienced dog owners.
Even owners with no prior dog training experience could get started within seconds! Be it fixing and correcting bad behaviour or teaching your dog new tricks, it is easy and fun when you know training methods that works!
Check out some of the success stories:
“A perfect guide to start with if you have never owned a Border Collie!”
I knew that it will be a challenging experience to own a Border Collie and it was proved right when we brought home our Border collie that made a mess of our house. This book does an excellent job of explaining and teaching how to deal with problems that comes with owning a Border Collie. In retrospect, there are pretty basic and simple things that this book explains wonderfully well.
This book provides complete insights on training your dog to become a well behaved pet, which is one of the reasons why I purchased it because our BC was healthy and pretty much like what an ideal dog should be, but it was his bad habits and behavior that was causing us trouble. It provides a perfect starting point on understanding your dog’s herding instincts and how you can use them to your advantage to fix his bad behavior.
It covers everything you need to know about this super smart and energetic breed. It provides complete overview of breed’s history, personality traits, characteristics, health facts and genuine suggestion on whether this is the right dog for your family or not.
I found it as a perfect owner’s manual for getting started with a Border Collie, and probably the best read if you’re planning to bring home a BC puppy. This book has helped me to learn how i can keep my super energetic dog stimulated both physically and mentally.
It not only helped me understand my dog better, but my 9 year old daughter also read this book to train our collie which is a great learning process for both of them.
I would definitely recommend this guide to all first time Border Collie owners!
Erica B. Pruitt
Baltimore, MD
“Helpful even to experienced Border Collie owners – lots of specifics!”
My wife and I recently decided to finally follow through with our dream of adopting a Border Collie. To be honest it was long due, but we finally made the decision! We’ve read several other breed specific training guides (after adopting our other dog, a black Labrador) but none of them really impressed us with little to no insightful information. Majority of those books provide general and basic dog care advice that I’m sure everybody knows these days.
We knew that we will have to give our Border Collie much more time to fulfill his mental and physical exercise needs. I also read several horror stories and bad experiences of owners who have restless Border Collies destroying their houses. So to get all my areas covered and get as much information as I can before bringing home a BC, I finally bought this book in the hope that it would have breed-specific information that other guides don’t have.
…And it really paid off! It was a pleasant surprise to be honest. Without a doubt, the author of this book has incredible expertise with respect to Border Collies. She has shared her personal opinions and suggestions that, while not necessarily universal, could be extremely helpful to prospective BC owners. For example, she believes that ear shape and coat length of a Border Collie puppy can be an indicator of puppy’s energy level. I personally found it quite remarkable, because you don’t get that type of information in other guides.
Particularly what I really liked is that Deanne provides in-depth information for those who are seeking mere companionship and also for those who are going to adopt Border Collie as working dogs.
I just finished the section of the book regarding specific dietary and nutritional issues of Border Collies, and found it enlightening and helpful. For example, we give a particular dog food product to our Labrador dog, but according to Deanne’s book it will not be a suitable option for our non-working Border Collie.
If I was to find any complaint about the book, it would be that it is not available in paperback version. That’s the only drawback, but if you prefer reading PDF eBooks on your Laptop or iPad, then it’s a great buy.
In conclusion all I’d say is the book is clearly well-written and is a gold mine of valuable breed-specific information. I’m confident that this book will definitely make our future Border Collie a great deal happier. Thank you Deanne for this wonderful book!
David K. Rowe
Newark, NJ
“I never expected Ronnie to become so obedient, healthy and happy!”
I can proudly say that Ronnie is now a well behaved, healthy and happy pet that I never imagined he could ever be. This guide has been a life-saver for Ronnie and I don’t know what I would have done without it. It has helped immensely to turn by destructive and stubborn Border Collie to a well behaved and adorable dog.
Me, my husband and our children love him so much, but he was getting out of control. With each passing day he became more aggressive and hyper-active. His signs of dominant behavior was a seriously concerning issue given the fact we have children and we were afraid that one day he may bite them out of excitement or anger.
Not only did your book enlighten us to fix his aggression issues but it also taught us an important lesion on why our dog became so aggressive, and that actually helped us to prevent it from happening again in the future.
I highly suggest this guide to all the Border Collies owners no matter if you’re a first-timer or a veteran because it’s a must have guide even if your dog doesn’t have any bad behavior issues. Plenty of valuable information will help you learn about health and care of this lovely breed. I’m so happy to see him behave like a loyal companion!
Barbara L. Nakayama
Lancashire, UK
“It’s been just 12 days and Lilo is now potty trained, doesn’t chew my shoes, doesn’t bark excessively and no more leash pulling during walks!”
Lilo is a tri-color female Border Collie dog (rescued) and unfortunately the previous owner didn’t train her for obedience. She wasn’t even potty trained. She used bark excessively looking at the window for no reason. She loved digging holes in our garden and she would pull on the leash even if I’m walking slowly with her. In short, she was a terrible dog when we brought her home.
Given the fact that I’m not home most of the time, dealing with her disobedience problems and destructive behavior was quite frustrating. I tried hard to train and fix her obedience issues but she would just completely ignore me and anything I taught her.
It’s been just 12 days since I’ve followed instructions in your guide and Leila is now an obedient, healthy and happy dog that I thought she’d never be. With the help of your guidance she is now house trained, doesn’t dig in my garden, doesn’t bark excessively, and the best thing that I like is that she walks calmly to the side of me during walks. However, her growling problem is still there but I’m working on it, let’s see how it goes.
Thanks a ton for all your help Deanne! I’ll keep you posted about her progress on growling issues.
Chloe Moir
Quicker Results!
I will enlighten you with those exact steps and methods I used to improve my dogs learning and confidence in me. I can guarantee that your dog will start picking up new tricks if you’ll use these positive training methods!
I’ll show you:
- How long it will take to train your dog for good results: Given it’s an intelligent and super smart breed, Border Collies pickup tricks and learn pretty fast. Therefore, it is imperative to know that how much and for how long you need to train your dog, because teaching too many things and too often may confuse your dog.
- How to use their inherent behavior to your advantage: If you know how to use innate behavior or natural instincts of your Border Collie to your advantage, it will immensely help you to speed up the training process.
- Essentials of obedience training: Efficiently using all the key elements and essentials of obedience training will force your dog to happily look forward to training sessions!
- Fixing your dog’s hesitancy when doing a command: It’s difficult to fix if your dog hesitates for a while when you ask him to follow a command. I’ll show you how you can easily fix it with simple methods. Without any hesitation whatsoever, your dog will obey all your commands. Guaranteed!
- Fastest way to fix bad behavior: I’ll show you how to fix your dog’s bad habits when he is in act. This massively impact both trick and behavior training, and give you the best possible results.
Why would you compromise with your dog’s bad behavior when you can fix it on your own? Imagine if you have step-by-step in-depth instructions spoon feeding you to correct any problem that your dog might have. Well you get all those instruction written and presented in easiest way possible in this guide.
Take a look at what other readers have to say…
“Finally we managed to fix our Collie’s behavioral issues, and also taught him 7 new exciting tricks!”
The reason why I decided to train my Border Collie is because I always dreamed of owning a dog who could do all those exciting tricks that they should in dog training videos. I find them amazing and often imagine that how on earth a dog could do that? Anyway, moving on…
We are a small family (me, my wife and our lovely daughter) and Cody (male Border Collie) is a huge part of it. We all love Cody from the bottom of our hearts but off late his attitude started to change and became aggressive as he grew older. I remember it all started when I first tried to house train him, he started hesitating before doing a command I asked him to do. Later on he picked up this habit of growling at me when I asked him to get off the furniture.
Even when we go out for walks, he would behave aggressively by staring at me and pulling on the leash. He would always behave dominantly and if someone walks pass him, he’d immediately run aggressively to push them back and lead the way.
First few weeks I didn’t think too much of this, because I thought it is temporary and he’ll get back to normal, but as he started to become more aggressive, I knew I have to act immediately to fix this issue before it’s too late. That was the moment when I decided to get a copy of your book and put it to work right away!
To be honest, I did not expect your guide to deliver results at first place because I thought it won’t work on my stubborn dog. But it happened like a pleasant surprise! I’m so happy to say that all the behavioral problems that my family have been having with Cody are gone.
Gladly we are done with that nightmare! Particularly that “Pack Leader” and “Alpha dog” section helped me immensely with obedience training. Not only I managed to kick all the bad habits out of his system but also taught him 7 new amazing tricks that I can show off to my friends and neighbors. HaHa! 🙂
Colleen J. Rivera
Milwaukee, WI
“Thanks for helping me transform my dog from Mr. Destruction to a sweet & adorable dog!”
I seriously have no idea what I would have done without this excellent book. Trust me, it’s a must have for all the first-timers out there, otherwise get ready to welcome a destructive Border Collie to your family.
I just want to thank Deanne for saving my dog from being sent to the rescue shelter. You have no idea how helpful you have been. They say “Dog Bless You” and that goes perfectly for you!
Living in a metro is difficult and on top of that if you have a Border Collie living with you in a rented apartment is almost like asking for trouble. My landlord doesn’t like dogs too much but still I managed him to allow my dog stay with me as long as he doesn’t damage the flat. At that time he was a three weeks old adorable puppy so I didn’t really think about it that much.
Problems started to occur when he started chewing on my clothes and shoes when I was gone, though it was annoying but his cute face got me ignore that. However, I tried few common dog chewing training methods that my friends suggested and few that I found online but had no luck with them. They didn’t work because chewing is normal in puppies when they are teething. But then his chewing took a completely new direction as he started chewing on furniture. He would ignore my shoes, her toys and chew on a living room sofa.
Here comes the next level! Now he started digging holes on the carpet. That’s when I knew it’s time to do something or my landlord would throw both of us out of the apartment or else I would have been forced to send her to a rescue shelter for adoption.
Through online research for training methods and tips to fix her destructive chewing I stumbled upon this guide and decided to give it a try.
I read the book twice to fully absorb all the instruction and then I started testing them on my dog. I religiously followed the guide and implemented every step exactly to the point in his daily activities and training sessions. I had to top his chewing habit, and that’s exactly what I managed to achieve with the help of this guide. Initially it took me some time but then from second week I started noticing positive results.
Big thank you hug to Deanne, because your guide has changed my dog’s life! It helped him improve his personality and behavior for the better. She is back to chewing on her toys only and looks less stressed as well.
I’m glad that I found your guide. Thank you so much Deanne for all your help during this wonderful journey.
Mellissa W. Palma
San Antonio, TX
Compromising on your dog’s health is the worst thing you could possibly do to your dog. If you’re anything like me, providing the best care to your Border Collie should be your priority if you want to raise a healthy and happy dog.
That is the reason why I have created a particular section in this guide where you can get insightful information related to caring for and raising a Border Collie. You’ll learn everything you need to as a responsible dog owner.
Here’s what you’ll learn…
- What is the right diet and food you should feed your Border Collie?: It’s a proven fact that pet stores are flooded with dog foods that are unhealthy and have no nutritional value. In this book, I’ll guide you through different types of dog foods and which is best available food for Border Collie.
- Carefully preparing your home and backyard for your dog: Unknowingly your dog could be exposed to common households and plants in your garden that are dangerous for your dog’s health. Therefore, it is imperative to know what all those households and plants that you should keep away from your dog for safety and precautionary measures.
- What are the toys and accessories you should get for your dog?: You’ll find toys and different accessories that you should buy for your dog that will be helpful in training process.
- Detailed and step-by-step guidance on Border Collie Grooming: I’ll show you how to control your Border Collie’s excessive shedding, products that you should use for his bath and important grooming tips such as how to clip nails, cure for bad breath, and how to keep his teeth clean. Plus more grooming-specific information!
More Recent Emails Received From My Readers:
“You’re a Lifesaver! I wish I would have found your book when I brought my Border Collie puppy home.”
My Border Collie (Donny, a male BC) is one hell of a dog, he’s never tired, always full of energy and would chew on anything he sees. Donny’s behavior and aggressive nature has changed dramatically since have started training him with the help of your guide. Forget about destructive chewing, he now follows all my commands with his wagging tail.
Not only your book helped us to overcome his destructive chewing, I’m also training him all the tricks in the book and having a lot fun. Surprisingly, he won’t run away as soon as training session starts, in fact now he eagerly waits for it. It’s bizarre because earlier he hated getting trained! It’s honestly quite amazing that if you use the right training methods and approach, it becomes a lot easier to teach your dog.
I’d definitely suggest every BC owner to have a copy of this excellent book. I have learned a great deal from this book about Border Collie specific care, breed information and training that I never knew before.
I honestly wish I would have found your book earlier, it would made it a lot easier by saving me from all the stress, embarrassment and frustration I had because of my dog’s bad habits.
Nathan M. Houchins
Seattle, WA
“Naughty (Our Black/White Border Collie) is now house trained and never misbehaves. It took him just 10 days!”
My neighbor recommended this guide (She also has a Border Collie trained with this guide). So, I bought a copy of it just for the housebreaking and basic obedience training and I’m glad that I did. We had to deal with lot of frustration, because Naughty had real tough time learning to potty outside.
Your guide however helped us immensely and I can proudly say that Naughty is now perfectly housebroken! Initially we had to train him a lot with instructions in your guide but from 4th day onwards he started to learn faster and in just 10 days he is now housebroken. Phewww! Especially my wife is the happiest member in our family, because she used to clean up that mess every day, but not anymore!
To be honest I was pleasantly surprised by seeing how effective these methods are. We are still using your guide to teach him new tricks. In particular, “Clicker Training” section has helped a lot to speed up his learning process.
Lorraine Pattinson
Chicago, IL
Tested and proven to be effective by hundreds of Border Collie owners, I’m 100% confident that you will be able to fix toughest of behavioral problems of your beloved dog. Or at the very least you’ll be able to significantly reduce your dog’s bad habits and misbehavior in the next week. If you’re still not satisfied, you’re covered under my 60 days 100% money back guarantee. Just email me and you’ll get your refund, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!
You have my guarantee and I want you to give this guide a try on me, absolutely risk free!
FREE Bonus Books With The Complete Package
Yes, you heard it right! You get these books as FREE bonuses included with the main guide.
I personally like reading other author’s dog care and training books, and while I was doing my research on Border Collie breed specific information for this guide, I came across a lot of industry’s leading authors, professional trainers, vets and owners. This wonderful learning experience provided me the opportunity to promote their books. So how does it benefit you?
Well I promote these authors, and as a result of that you get these books free of charge. In short, they are included as free bonus with my guide. Sounds good, right?
How long would this offer last? I’m not sure about that, but to be honest I don’t think these authors will be giving away free copies of their books for too long. Promotional offers don’t last for long; therefore I’d suggest making the most of this opportunity while it lasts.

Dog’s Instincts: Understanding Your Dog’s Body Language
Bonus Book #1 (19.99 Value) Included FREE For a Limited Time!
Wondering what your dog is trying to tell you by wagging his tail? Dogs are also social creatures, just like their owners. In this Dog behavior and body language book, you’ll learn…
How to spot potentially dangerous dog by tail signs… and when never to approach! What to do if you find yourself in a face to face situation with an aggressive and dominant dog? Plus More!

Dog Health Secrets: Guide To Raise a Healthy Dog
Bonus Book #2 (18.99 Value) Included FREE For a Limited Time!
An insightful health and care guide for every first-time dog owner. This book will help you pickup signs and symptoms of illness in your dog. It will also educate you on what are the essentials of raising a puppy.
It’s an excellent write-up of small-small things that are extremely important if this is your first dog. You can learn all the basics of responsible pet ownership with this book.

Delicious Dog Foods & Tempting Treats
Bonus Book #3 (14.99 Value) Included FREE For a Limited Time!
Looking for home-cooked and healthy dog food recipes to avoid ready-made pet foods available in stores? Well this book covers over 100+ mouth-watering delicious treats for your dog.
It will teach you how to make healthy and yummy treats for your Border Collie that he’d love to do anything for.

Lifetime Email Consultations, Guidance & Support
Bonus offer (99.99 Value) Absolutely FREE FOR LIFE TIME!
Finally something that you don’t get with a regular dog training book! Yes, you will be provided with my personal email address where you can directly contact me anytime you want to ask all your questions related Border Collies or anything specific guidance that you found in my book.
You’ll get unlimited email support for FREE! It doesn’t get any better, right? If you have an issue with your dog that you were looking for and couldn’t find an answer for it in the book, well you can email me anytime and I’ll make sure to come with a solution to fix your dog’s problem.
Crucial and Decisive Days of Your Dog’s Life…
You’ll Be Proud of Watching Your Collie Transform Into
A Happy, Healthy and Obedient Family Pet!
…and all it will take to achieve it is just 10-15 minutes a day!
If you’re anything like me, you’d get the best solution to cure your dog’s worst problems. How much you’re willing to spend for such an effective and simple cure for your dog’s misbehaviour? If you really care about him, what is your dog’s health and happiness really worth?
Are you willing to spend $50, $80, or even more than $100? Well, even though we can spend much more than that to see our dogs happy and live a healthy life, but this guide won’t cost you nearly as much, because not everyone can afford those expensive training guides!
You get the “Stubborn To Obedient” plus the bonus books and unlimited email support offer all for just $24.99, which is less that the average price of a dog collar!
On top of that you get the 60 day 100% money back guarantee! Well, I don’t see you losing anything with this deal.
Sounds good?
Still wondering, should I go for it or not? Well your dog is worth it, and besides the sooner you start with training process of your dog, the quicker and better results you’ll start seeing. Not to mention, it’s better to start training Border Collies when they are puppies!
Stop feeling embarrassed and stressing yourself just because your dog is disobedient. Stop wasting time and take the first step in the direction of owning a perfect Border Collie that you always wanted to!
Join hands with hundreds of Border Collie owners around the globe who made the right choice and transformed their dogs from stubborn and resistant to obedient and adorable pets. Why not take advantage of same easy and effective training methods as they did to have a Border Collie that your family can feel proud of.
To see what “Stubborn To Obedient: Border Collie Owner’s Guide” can do for you…TAKE THE NEXT STEP!

You will receive instant access to…
- “Stubborn To Obedient: Border Collie Owner’s Guide”
- Dog’s Instincts: Understanding Your Dog’s Body Language
- Dog Health Secrets: Guide To Raise a Healthy Dog
- Delicious Dog Foods & Tempting Treats
- Unlimited Email Consultations, Support & Guidance
Please note that…
This is an eBook that you can instantly download (Anytime! Even at 3.00 am in the morning). It will be available in .pdf file format that you can read on your laptop, iPad, and any other Smartphone with PDF reader apps like Adobe Acrobat, which is free to download. You don’t have to wait for shipping.
To order now, please click the Buy Now button or click the link below to be taken to our secure order form where you can make the payment:
“Stubborn To Obedient: Border Collie Owner’s Guide!” | $37.00 |
Dog’s Instincts: Understanding Your Dog’s Body Language | $24.00 |
Dog Health Secrets: Guide To Raise a Healthy Dog | $24.00 |
Delicious Dog Foods & Tempting Treats | $14.00 |
Lifetime Email Consultation | $90.00 |
60 Day Money Back Guarantee! | INCLUDED |
Total Value: | $189 |
Today You Pay Only: | $24.99! |
P.S. 60 days to make the most of this guide should be good enough, right? Use this guide, training methods and my email support, even after that you’re not satisfied, you can easily get a refund anytime during those 60 days! You have nothing to lose and there is absolutely no risk.
If Your Goal Is To Get Maximum Results With Your Dog In Minimal Time, Then “Stubborn To Obedient: Border Collie Owner’s Guide” is For You!
Still wondering? It’s not that a big deal because your dog is worth it! Good luck and “Dog Bless You!” 🙂
Thank You,
Deanne Rosenberg,