Border Collie Shedding: How Do We Stop or Control It?

Just like all first-timers are you also curious to know that do Border Collies shed? The simple answer is, YES they do! Just like any other dog breed, border collies also shed their coat throughout the year, and during spring and fall season they shed excessively. The only reason why my dad don’t get along with our Dina (Border Collie) is because he hates it when she shed hair and it sticks to the carpet and clothes. Border Collies’ hair shedding can be a problem for those who don’t like it, but following basic tips and steps can definitely help you control it.
Border Collies are known for their excessive shedding in dog community and because they have slightly longer hair coat it becomes a bit of a problem for their owners during their shedding season. Border collies have double-coat, one is top coat and other one is soft insulated undercoat that safeguards them against snow, dirt and water. Given the fact that they are trained to work in fields with farmers, their double coat protect them from harsh weather conditions.
Border Collie Shedding Season
Summer and fall are two seasons when border collies naturally shed their coat, and it happens twice a year. Many inexperienced border collies’ owners think that their dog is suffering with hair fall problem or some kind of disease, which is completely wrong assumption because shedding is natural and happens to every dog breed. During shedding process they blow out their undercoat which gets replaced by a newly grown coat. The amount of shedding you’ll see may amaze you, but it is natural and bound to happen every year.
Shedding is not related to seasonal change, but it depends on the amount of sunshine your border collie gets. During the fall season we don’t get that much of sunshine and lack of it causes Border Collies to shed. On the other hand when spring season arrives and sun comes out, Border Collies again start shedding because this time they are getting rid of their old coat that they grew in winters.
How To Stop Border Collie Shedding?
Even though we cannot completely overcome a border collie’s shedding, because it’s naturally bound to happen, however there are certain steps that we can make use of to control their shedding. The first and most effective thing is to make sure you brush your dog’s coat at least 5-6 times a week. Personally I brush my BC every day during the fall and summer season, and in off seasons I brush her in every 2-3 days.
I’d suggest you to brush them in your backyard, because their hair will stick on your carpet, rug and even your clothes. Or else if you’re brushing him/her indoors, you can use a mat or bed-sheet and make them sit on it while brushing. Some border collies gets hyper active when you brush them, therefore pick a place where they feel comfortable. If your dog still not letting you brush his hair, you can use his favorite treats to lure him. That generally works wonderfully well and it will make it a lot easier for you.
Watch this video to have an idea about how much a border collie sheds:
Brushing your border collie is most definitely going to increase your work because you will have to vacuum clean your house to ensure your floor is not piling up his hair. Having a lint remover could be handy when your BC shed all over your furniture, carpet or upholstery.
Does a Border Collie Shed Because of Allergic Reaction?
Border Collies is one of those rough and tough types of breeds that can survive toughest of conditions, but they are still prone to allergies that they pickup from certain foods and because of that they may shed. If they are shedding due to an allergy, you will most probably notice them excessively itching compared to what they do usually. When that happens it is better to immediately take your collie to a vet to figure out what exactly he is allergic to. With proper diagnosis the vet will be able to change your dog’s diet and may also give him antihistamines to control allergies, which eventually help your dog to shed less.
Fleas and ticks could also be the reason for shedding, which can be easily prevented by using Preventic Tick Collar for dogs. You may also use tick removal powder, which is a less expensive option.
Border Collies also shed when their diet lack essential nutrients that they need to have to fulfill their body’s requirement. It is important because it is a breed that requires lot of physical and metal activity and in that case proper nourishment is a must for every Border Collie. It can be easily fixed by giving dog food supplement to your dog, but make sure you consult with your vet before buying any of those supplements available in market.